The total net earnings we show in the table are, of course, identical to the GAAP figures in our audited financial statements. 当然最后加总结算的数字,还是会与会计师出具的财务报表上的盈余数字完全一致。
For the top banks in this business, analysts estimate a 2 to 10 per cent drop in total earnings from this change alone. 分析人士估计,对于这一领域的顶尖银行而言,仅此一项改革,就会导致总收益下降2%至10%。
Private equity-owned Harrah's, whose total debt of about$ 22bn is a hefty 11 times last year's earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation, is in a different position. 私人股本公司拥有的哈拉娱乐集团(Harrah's)的情况则不同。该公司约220亿美元的总债务,是去年未计利息、税项、折旧及摊销前利润(EBITDA)的足足11倍。
Total earnings, including bonus payments, rose by an average of 20 per cent. This was well above wage settlements for the economy as a whole. 其总收入(包括奖金)平均上涨20%,远远高于英国总体的薪酬安排。
Indeed, senior Goldman executives expect that within a few years, profits that are made in America will be a minority of total earnings. 的确,高盛高管预计,几年内,美国产生的利润将在其利润总额中占据少数比例。
The gap for basic pay in companies covered by the survey was 39 per cent, rising to 47 per cent for total earnings when bonuses, overtime and performance-related pay were included. 在接受调查的公司中,男女基础薪酬之差为39%,计入奖金、加班费及绩效薪酬后,总收入差距升至47%。
Those regions will contribute "well over half" and possibly as much as100 percent of Apple's total earnings growth in the next two years, Morgan Stanley estimates. 摩根斯坦利预计,在未来两年里这些地区将会“贡献”一大半甚至是全部的苹果销量增长点。
Definitions of direct and indirect compensation to ensure participants understand and appreciate Base Salary, Total Cash, Total Earnings and Total Remuneration concepts. 定义直接和间接薪资,以确保学员理解基本工资,所有的现金收入,总收入,及总报酬的内容。
Forbes said the ranking was compiled by looking at a star's past three movies and dividing their total earnings by the films'gross income to get the actor's payback figure. 《福布斯》称这次调查是基于对演员们过去三部影片的票房评估。用三部电影的总收入除以演员的总收入来确定的。
Outside finance, bonuses are a very small component of total earnings because people need to be sure of their income flow. 在金融之外的行业,奖金在总收入中构成的比例非常低,因为人们需要能够确定自己的收入。
Confusingly, the annual tax return does not supersede an existing monthly requirement to report and pay tax on non-taxed income if total earnings exceed a certain threshold. 复杂的是,这一新政策并不代替个人收入如果超过一定数额,那么就要每月报告并对非税收入缴税的已有政策。
Profit the same as net income, it is the company's total earnings less expenses. 与净收入一样,指公司的总盈利减开支。
The corporate leaders 'median salary rise was just 2 per cent but total earnings were boosted by a 70 per cent increase in pay-outs under incentive plans and share option schemes. 企业领导者们的薪水中值只上涨了2%,但他们通过激励计划和股票期权计划获得的收入增长了70%。
Interest income accounted for only 48 percent of the total earnings among Chinese commercial banks in 2014, down 7.3 percentage points from three years ago, he added. 他提到,2014年中国商业银行存贷款利息净收入仅占营业净收入的48%,比3年前下降了7.3个百分点。
The economic conclusion is that: the commodities with elasticity after price deduction will increase total earnings while the commodities without elasticity after price increase will increase total earnings. 对此,经济学得出的结论是:需求富有弹性的商品降价后能增加总收益,缺乏弹性的商品提价后才能增加总收益。
We choose residual income model to measure the cost of equity capital, and construct some index to represent the total disclosure quality and earnings disclosure quality of Chinese listed companies. 我们采用剩余收益模型计算上市公司的股权融资成本,分别以披露总体质量与盈余披露质量指标反映上市公司的信息披露质量。
In recent years, total amount of government appropriation soars quickly, but its quotient in the higher education's gross earnings descends continuously. 近年来,政府拨款总量快速上涨,但其在高等学校总收入中的相对份额却不断下降。
Direction of earnings management: 16 sectors in the total 22 sectors are taking on a positive Earnings Management, which share proportion of 73%; 6 sectors taking reverse Earnings Management, which share proportion of 27%. 盈余管理方向:在22个行业中16大行业是正向盈余管理,占总体比重73%;6大行业是反向盈余管理,占总体比重27%。
On the other hand, joint-stock commercial banks in non-interest income in total income is much higher than the proportion of state-owned commercial banks, the level of earnings and profits for more than a model of state-owned banks. 另一方面,股份制商业银行非利息收入在总收入中的比重远高于国有商业银行,盈利水平和盈利模式超过了国有银行。
Both of the two stock exchanges in Shanghai and Shenzhen are not calculate the PER of each stock. They get an average PER through the total market value being divided by the total earnings. 我国沪深两地交易所均采用不计算个股的市盈率,用市场的总市值除以总收益得到平均市盈率。
According to the information of securities firms 'annual income situations of 2007, the income, caused by stock broking, is over 60% of the total business earnings. The ratio will be higher in the bear market. 根据已公布的券商2007年收入情况,证券经纪业务收入占券商总收入比例超过60%,在熊市中,这一比例更高。
Of the two companies in the main financial indicators, the total share capital, earnings, operating PB as well as the status quo and development prospects of the differences in more detail. 也对两个公司在主要财务指标、总股本、市盈率、市净率以及经营现状与发展前景等方面的差异进行了较为详细的说明。
The most extensively concerned problem in cooperative game theory is how to divide the total earnings of the grand coalition if all players cooperate. 在合作对策中受到最广泛关注的就是当所有局中人在一起合作时如何分配总联盟的赢得。
The most extensively studied problem in stochastic cooperative game theory is how to divide the total earnings of the grand coalition under the condition that the payoff is uncertain. 在随机合作对策中得到了广泛研究的就是在不确定支付条件下,局中人如何分配大联盟的赢得。
After the two enterprises are merged, the total earnings situation is the evidence to judge a mark-up behavior whether can lead to corporate earnings and adverse impact. 通过两个企业并购后的总收益情况来判断一个提价行为是否会导致企业盈利,从而对市场的竞争有不利影响。
Results of the analysis reveal that the capital ratio is negatively correlated with bank earnings. When capital ratios increase, total banks earnings will have a negative impact. 通过数据分析得出,资本充足率与银行收益呈负相关关系,当资本充足率提高时,会对银行的总资产收益率产生负向的冲击。
Earnings volatility is negatively related to the total debt ratio but the relationship is insignificant. Alternatively, earnings volatility is significantly and positively related to the long-term debt ratio. 盈利波动率与总债务比例是负相关关系,而和长期债务比率正相关,其中,盈利波动率与和长期债务比率相关性是显著的。